Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm back. Tired, Broke, and with a smile that you can beat off wih a stick.

Loved it.

1 comment:

HisGirlMonday22 said...

Lately, I suck at communication. People have to hunt me down to get in touch with me. I think that's a throwback to some post-traumatic-wedding-shock. I'll get over it eventually. I love the pictures!! I got all jealous ^_^ Italy...(sigh) Well, you certainly deserved the vacay! Didja bring back an "I went to Italy, so kiss my ass" T-shirt? lol.

NO!! PLEASE DON'T apologize!! NanoWriMo is the most AWESOME idea (though I am very broke, I'm considering making a donation to their cause for the library in Laos). Funny thing about all this is, we writers all complain, bitch and moan, but we know for sure we'll be back around next year; same Bat Time, same Bat Channel. But for some reason, we must all be melodramatic and negative about this least until the Thank Gawd It's Over party ;) Next year my dad will join us! Hope still lives...she maybe working at Wal-Mart, eating lots of canned food, and chasing her barefoot children around with a 'switch' she cut from a tree... but she's around. LOL :)