You are Shetland Wool.
You are a traditional sort who can sometimes be a
little on the harsh side. Though you look
delicate you are tough as nails and prone to
intricacies. Despite your acerbic ways you are
widely respected and even revered.
What kind of yarn are you?
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SGA's 'war' puts rivalry in spotlight
News of the Student Government Assocation's declaration of war against Washington University in St ... Additionally, the Department of War has received mention on numerous blogs, from the general discussion Web log metafilter.
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Blogs eat into traditional ads for shoppers
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that's like...the STRANGEST spam I've ever seen! Hiya. Mostly I've just been musing on the file of random people I have cluttering my life and who I've got to get rid of. I've had to mumble, "With friends like these..." to myself one too many times. I think I'm just reluctant to make friends because I won't be here long either :-( but I've got to find the pulse of this crazy county and sink in my sharp incisors. Or I'll go insane. Oh..We're too broke for Tahiti. Will Miami do? :)
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