Today is the beginning of Lent.
This explanation of Lent is : TADA
Shamelessly stolen from Wiki. (love you WIKI)
Today, some people give up something they enjoy, and often give the time or money spent doing that thing to charitable purposes or organizations. Lent is a season of sorrowful reflection that is punctuated by breaks in the fast on Sundays (the day of the resurrection). Sundays are not counted in the forty days of Lent. (Alternatively, the Sundays, which are indeed called Sundays of Lent in the Liturgy, can be counted to forty days if one begins counting on the First Sunday of Lent and counts up to and including Holy Thursday, three days before Easter). In the Roman Catholic Church, and many other liturgical Christian denominations, Maundy Thursday (also called Holy Thursday, especially by Roman Catholics), Good Friday, and Holy Saturday forms the Easter Triduum, rather than being part of Lent. Ash Wednesday and the three days following it would not be part of Lent proper, constituting a "Lenten Prelude" instead. Because Lent is a season of grief that necessarily ends with a great celebration of Easter, it is known in Eastern Orthodox circles as the season of "Bright Sadness".
For my sacrifice I refused to give anything up. Every year I try and fail. So this year I will do something to better myself. I'm taking up yoga. Yoga allows me to reflect on myself, something that I have been lacking of late. I need to make a few changes within me and yoga tend to force my focus on me. It allows me to look on things that I have been neglecting, my health, my future plans, and my money. I've noticed that every time I finished a yoga class in the past I've come out feeling better. Something that jogging has never done for me.
Why I'm not spending time doing charitable works you might ask. Uh that's my job. I help people find food. On the weekends I've been training to volunteer at the Central Park Zoo. Hence all those animal pictures that shown up lately. I also give time to the New York Blood Bank, notice I did not say give blood. ( I pass out every time)
So hopefully after my monthly pass ends I will have a better appreciation of me, and some set goal and the 150 for the next monthly pass.