Im a URBAN Latina living deep in the heart of the Bronx. I'm also short. This is only important because all of my closest friends hover at about 5'11. I'm single and I happen to be enjoying it, to the horror of my mother. If I were rich I would be eccentric, but being poor just makes me odd. I'm obssesive in my likes and unmovable in my hates. And I'm always either pissed off or depressed. It amuses my friends. I also have the urgent need to move far far from my family. Because I'm way too old too live at home. Damn non-profit jobs.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
If I was a Cartoon. Oblivious Aint I?
Loverly aint it? This is my sweetie Theresa. Kidnapped from my cousin, who's a nut.
Don't know how old she is or even if she's a she.
But I LUVS her.
Yes this is my first post. I wanted to start with something. I thought was cute.